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  • Fighting The Drain Of Digital Eye Strain

    Every year, more than ten million patients visit eye doctors for problems related to digital eye strain. It doesn’t take much to produce digital eye strain—as little as two hours in front of a computer per day gives you a 90 percent chance to develop it. This makes it the single most common complaint related to computer use. […]

    Continue Reading September 12, 2017

  • Solar Eclipse 2017

    On August 21, 2017 many Americans will be able to experience a total solar eclipse as the moon passes in front of the sun and completely covers it for a couple of minutes. While this is an exciting natural phenomenon, looking directly at the sun – even just a sliver of it – can cause […]

    Continue Reading August 4, 2017

  • The Value Of Back-To-School Eye Exams

    With school starting up again soon, now is a great time to start thinking about scheduling an eye appointment for your child. Classroom Vision Problems Are Varied Experts estimate that 10 percent of preschoolers have a vision problem significant enough to impact learning, and being nearsighted or farsighted aren’t the only problems you can have with your […]

    Continue Reading August 2, 2017

  • 20/20 In Hindsight: The Snellen Eye Chart

    Have you ever wondered where that chart with the big E in every eye doctor’s office came from? The famous eye chart is actually called the Snellen Chart. It was named for the 19th-century Dutch ophthalmologist who first developed it. Glasses Before Eye Charts Glasses were invented in Italy around 1286, though they were fairly crude. […]

    Continue Reading July 28, 2017

  • Underwater Eye Safety

    Summer is the time for fun in the sun and in the water, but it’s definitely not the time to take a break from eye safety. Whether you love river rafting, surfing, water-skiing, deep sea diving, synchronized swimming, or just enjoying a leisurely swim at the local pool, you’re probably going to end up underwater […]

    Continue Reading July 21, 2017

  • Rockets’ Red Glare: Fireworks Eye Safety

    Is there anything more American than hot dogs on the grill and fireworks in the sky? We all enjoy a patriotic pyrotechnics display, but fireworks are not without their risks. Explosives Are Not Toys To anyone lucky enough to have never been injured by fireworks, they might just seem like exciting lights and sounds, but […]

    Continue Reading July 3, 2017

  • Make Sure To Maintain Your Glasses

    While wearing glasses instead of contacts may shave a few minutes off your morning routine, it’s important to remember they’re not completely maintenance-free. If you’re hoping to prolong the life of your favorite eyewear, there are a couple of simple steps you can take to make sure they look and feel their best. Keep Your […]

    Continue Reading May 8, 2017

  • How To Care For Your Contact Lenses

    Properly caring for your contact lenses is synonymous with caring for your eyes. Contact lenses are safely used by millions of people everyday. They do, however, carry a risk of eye infection if worn or cleaned improperly. Your eyes allow you to see and experience the world around you, so it’s important to protect them, […]

    Continue Reading May 1, 2017

  • Prepare Your Eyes For Allergy Season

    Spring is finally here and we couldn’t be more excited! Chirping birds, blooming flowers, and warmer weather are just a few of the things we look forward to when spring comes around. We have to admit though, there is one thing about the season that’s not particularly appealing, and that’s allergies. What Your Eyes Can […]

    Continue Reading April 26, 2017

  • Protect Your Vision With Different Lens Coatings

    From the early days of purely glass lenses to the advanced materials we use now, the technology in prescription lenses is constantly improving. Today, special lens coatings improve and protect our vision in ways we could only dream of before. Anti-reflective Coating Eliminates Lens Reflections Have you ever noticed a bright glare on a window […]

    Continue Reading October 11, 2016