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  • Get In The Game, Protect Your Eyes

    Is your vision a priority when you’re playing sports? Eye Injuries Can Happen When You Least Expect Them The crisp smell of freshly cut grass on the soccer field, the gleam of the basketball court before a game, the cheering fans at the football stadium, the feeling of the baseball bat, familiar in your hands… […]

    Continue Reading October 6, 2016

  • Our Amazing Eyes And How They Work

    Did you see that sunset last night? How about the big game? Or were you watching your daughter take her first steps? Our eyes truly let us see some wonderful things. But how do eyes work? The eyes are fascinating and complex organs with many components. We’d like to help you understand exactly how eyes function […]

    Continue Reading September 20, 2016

  • Your Kids Can Get Digital Eye Strain Too

    We’ve all felt it during a long day at our desk job or after a lengthy session of scrolling through social media on our smartphones–digital eye strain. But did you know your kids may be suffering too? In today’s world, children are using various digital devices just as much, if not more, than their adult […]

    Continue Reading September 9, 2016

  • Safety Glasses vs. Regular Glasses: What’s the Difference?

    Some situations demand extra protection for your eyes. That’s where safety glasses come in! When working (or playing) in situations that pose a risk to your eyes, safety glasses are your best bet. Unlike regular glasses, they’re designed to conform to a higher standard of impact resistance. Most safety glasses are made from polycarbonate, a […]

    Continue Reading August 23, 2016

  • A Look At Cataracts And Vision Health

    Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness among older adults in the United States. In fact, more than half of all Americans have cataracts by the time they are 80 years old. We understand you may have questions about cataracts, so we’d like to take this opportunity to help you understand how they affect your […]

    Continue Reading August 18, 2016

  • Put An Eye Exam on Top of Your Back-To-School List

    Back-to-school season is a great time to schedule an eye appointment. 80% Of Learning Is Visual A tremendous amount of information is processed through a student’s eyes on a daily basis. In fact, it is estimated that 80% of a child’s learning occurs through his or her eyes. That’s right, 80%! And although many schools […]

    Continue Reading August 15, 2016

  • Why Swimming and Contacts are Risky Business

    Some people swim while wearing contact lenses, risking serious damage to their vision. Eye Irritation Isn’t Just Caused By Chlorine While many of us associate swimming pools with the smell with chlorine, the real culprits are chemicals that form when chlorine mixes with sweat, dirt, and urine. This concoction–known as chloramine–is the real cause for eye irritation, and […]

    Continue Reading August 11, 2016

  • Polarized Lenses Provide an Advantage

    But are they better for your eyes than regular sunglasses? Think of polarized lenses as a tool for fine-tuning for your vision while wearing sunglasses. They are especially useful if you are an avid outdoorsman, an active athlete, or find yourself in high-glare situations. Before we dig into the benefits of polarized lenses, let’s step […]

    Continue Reading August 9, 2016

  • Keep Your Glasses Looking Like New

    You just bought a new pair of glasses. The last thing you want to see are dirty or scratched up lenses! If you take good care of your glasses, they can last you several years. Here are some tips on how to keep your investment looking and feeling like new. Don’t Wipe Your Lenses When […]

    Continue Reading April 18, 2016

  • Headaches? Get Your Eyes Checked!

    Are you suffering from headaches? You may want to ask yourself when your last eye exam was! If you have undetected or uncorrected vision problems, you may be suffering from headaches needlessly. Headaches Can Be Caused By Eyestrain A routine eye exam can uncover a variety of issues that may be causing headaches. While most […]

    Continue Reading March 22, 2016