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Marco OPD-Scan III

Our office provides high definition, wave-front guided eye examinations by utilizing the Marco OPD-Scan III. This device uses the most advanced technologies available to help us better evaluate your unique vision needs and ensure a more accurate and correct prescription.

With a single device, we can now obtain a comprehensive refractive analysis that allows us to diagnose difficult cases of unexplained vision problems, i.e. poor night vision. It also enables us to better manage eye disease and perform a higher level refractive evaluation for patients considering contact lenses, LASIK, or premium multifocal intraocular lens implants.


optomap® Daytona

Using the optomap®, our doctors now have the ability to capture high-resolution, digital images of the retina which can allow you to avoid any of the side effects of pupil dilation. Eye diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, and other health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be seen with a thorough exam of the retina. By using this technology, we are able to detect and monitor any potential issues that may arise since many eye problems can develop without your knowledge.

An optomap® image provides:

  • A view of the retina, giving our doctors a more detailed view than they can get through other means.
  • The opportunity for you to view as well as discuss the image of your eye with the doctor during your exam.
  • A permanent record, which allows for our doctors to view your images every year to look for any changes.